

Information collected by us

The information we collect from you as a member helps us personalize and continually improve your shopping experience at Vitruvien.com. But you may of course visit our site anonymously.

Any personal information provided by you is maintained on secure servers and our internal systems. Any information you provide will be treated with utmost care, and subject to this Policy will not be used or disclosed in ways to which you have not agreed upon.

Information you provide

You can visit our web site without registering any personal data. We are only recording access data without personal relation like the name of your Internet service provider, the web site you are visiting us from or the name of the requested file. This data is used exclusively to improve our service and we are not able to connect the data directly to you.

You may be asked to voluntarily provide personal information (such as your name, email address, postal address, telephone number, credit card information, measurement details, etc.) during the purchase process when creating a new customer account or when registering for a newsletter. If you choose not to provide certain requested personal information, you will not be able to register as a Vitruvien customer or use certain features of the Website including placing an order for custom made shirt, saving your measurements online, receiving latest product releases or promo codes.

Without any additional permission we will use your data exclusively to complete and process your order. After completion and payment of an order, your data will be locked from further usage and deleted after valid expiration time as established by us unless you have agreed on further usage of your data through repeat purchase or newsletters. With the subscription of our newsletter your email address will be used for this purpose until you unsubscribe from the newsletter.

E-mail from Vitruvien

We often receive a confirmation when you open e-mails from Vitruvien.com if your computer supports such capabilities. This helps us understand you better in terms of what offers interests you and thereby make e-mails more relevant and interesting. If you do not wish to receive e-mails or other mails from Vitruvien, please simply click unsubscribe.

Use of your information

We use the information that we collect from you for the following:

  1. Process and deliver your orders.
  2. Manage your Account.
  3. Administer the Website.
  4. Monitor customer online traffic patterns and site usage, which helps us to improve the design and usability of the site.
  5. Protect the security or integrity of our website and our business.
  6. Notify you about any enhancement to our services, such as recent updates to the Website, new services and special offers that may be of interest.
Use of your information

Your privacy is of prime importance to us and we do not sell or rent your personal information to other marketers. We share customer information only as described below and with subsidiaries of Vitruvien.com. We ensure that all subsidiaries are either subject to this Privacy Policy or follow practices which are as protective as those described in this Privacy Policy.